Oil and other energies

Oil trading never disappoints you, since it is widely consumed. Make profits fast with ADMIRALSFX trading platform.


A liquid asset which provide you profits

Crude Oil is a liquid petroleum which contain hydrocarbons, organic components and small amounts of metal. There are different types of oil, produced from different countries, their quality is different, and this is reflected to the price.

There are 2 characteristics which define the price of the oil. The sulfur content (sweet or sour) and density which go from heavy to light.
The oil which is quoted with higher prices is lighter (low density) and sweet (low sulfur amounts). There are other less expensive products, such as gasoline and diesel, that can be produced with less energy. There are more than 160 crude oil types, but the highest standards which are used as benchmarks are Brent Crude and WTI (West Texas Intermediate).


Trade Crude Oil Online

If you decide on trading oil, you need to have a strategy that will keep you on the track and take advantage of the most powerful price movements that the ‘black gold’ offers. As per all the other asset, trading crude oil requires a comprehensive approach of factors that influence the oil price to increase or decrease.

Oil price is usually very sensitive to political events, news over good or bad relationships between countries. This will immediately affect the supply and demand for oil, and, consequently, its price. News which has the biggest impact are news related to the giants of oil production, oil-producing regions and OPEC meetings decisions.

It is crucial to track the US dollar value. Crude Oil and US dollar have a close relationship in the international markets. They have a negative correlation, when the US dollar tends to strength, oil prices tend to go down; and when the US dollar is going down, crude oil price tends to go higher.

Crude Oil Price Movements