
Indices are a well-known trading instrument that represent that value or the performance of an industry sector.


Indices- a basket of stocks

The good side of trading a basket of stocks instead of stocks individually is that, you will be exposed to a larger number of possibilities and in the same time you are diversifying the risk among different stocks. Traders do not need to check the reports of the companies individually, they need to check just the performance of the index and decide to invest their capital or not. The price movement of the index is smoother since the movement of the stocks inside the index neutralize each other. Consequently, indexes are not volatile as other assets are.
One of the leading indexes is Nasdaq, which is compounded by the top tech companies. If the overall value of those companies’ shares rises, the price of the S&P 500 will go up.


Self diversified portfolio

Traders chose indices for the same reason they would trade on stocks. Hoping to profit from their growth, adding even the advantage of the diversification their offer. When you chose an index, you are trading across different industries. For example, the German DAX index contains 30 companies, if you invest your capital on DAX, you are actually investing in 30 different companies. They are the 30 most valuable companies on the German Deutsche Boerse stock exchange.


Trade Indices

You can trade multiple indices across the UK, Europe, and the US. You can also profit from falling markets by short selling the indices. Our trading platforms offer guides on how to choose the right index and how to place the positions. Important is to know the index and its behavior as much as possible. You will find in both platforms plenty of information over indices, their historical prices and patterns.

Indices Price Movements